
Free Speech Tensions: Responding to Bias on College and University Campuses

RA Miller, T Guida, SL Smith, SK Ferguson, EG Medina, Ryan A Miller, Tonia Guida, Stella Smith, S Kiersten Ferguson, Elizabeth Medina

WAACKCSP: the tensions and overlaps between Whiteness and culturally sustaining pedagogies

Nolan L Cabrera, R Jamaal Downey, Tonia F Guida, Laura Lee Smith

International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, Routledge, 2022, pp. 1--11

Two Woke Beckys?: A Fan Fiction Conversation and Critique of Derek Bell’s White Women

Naomi W Nishi, Tonia F Guida, Danielle Walker

Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education, vol. 20, 2021, p. 6

How community college staff inflict pervasive microaggressions: The experiences of Latino men attending urban community colleges in Texas

Claudia Garc{\'\i}a-Louis, Victor B S{\'a}enz, Tonia Guida

Urban Education, SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA, 2020, p. 0042085920963594

Book Review: Backlash: What happens when we talk honestly about racism in America

Tonia Floramaria Guida

InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies, vol. 16, 2020

Toward a critical whiteness methodology: Challenging whiteness through qualitative research

Chris Corces-Zimmerman, Tonia Floramaria Guida

Theory and method in higher education research, vol. 5, Emerald Publishing Limited, 2019, pp. 91--109

Free speech tensions: Responding to bias on college and university campuses

Ryan A Miller, Tonia Guida, Stella Smith, S Kiersten Ferguson, Elizabeth Medina

Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, vol. 55, Routledge, 2018, pp. 27--39

A balancing act: Whose interests do bias response teams serve?

Ryan A Miller, Tonia Guida, Stella Smith, S Kiersten Ferguson, Elizabeth Medina

The Review of Higher Education, vol. 42, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2018, pp. 313--337

Leveraging their family capital: How Latino males successfully navigate the community college

Victor B S{\'a}enz, Claudia Garc{\'\i}a-Louis, Anna Peterson Drake, Tonia Guida

Community College Review, vol. 46, SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA, 2018, pp. 40--61

Outreach Programs and College Choice: An Examination of Navigating the Decision-Making Process from the High School to College Pipeline

Tonia Guida

Aleph, UCLA Undergraduate Research Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences, vol. 11, 2014